Dear Friends old and new,
A welcoming smile from little Jessie is a great tonic in this bleak midwinter and we thought it would be good to share it with you. We are lucky to be surrounded by five cheerful and fun-to-be-with grandchildren, not to mention their mums, Clare and Sarah, together with Jay and Wayne.
We had a great deal of loving support, as did Kit herself, during her declining days after last Christmas — from family, friends and professionals. Often smiling and thoughtful of others, Kit features in the picture above taken by Sandra, one of her carers.
Kit died peacefully at the end of July, aged 90—we miss her a lot. Described by many as a “lovely lady,” nearly £1000 was raised for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds in her loving memory—Our thanks to all who gave so generously
Penny’s art work has been put on hold over the last year while she has was primarily a carer — but various pieces have been
exhibited, and she is raring to get going again now, her head teeming with new and even weirder ideas…
My book for young people about MS is out and details of this and other stuff can be found on my website below. The Golden Buddha Project, Dartmoor, is thriving and the MS Trust goes from strength to strength. Penny and I have had some breaks together for the first time for a few years and are enjoying travelling again.
We were particularly impressed by the amazing Megalithic sites at Newgrange in Ireland and with the Giant’s Causeway, not to mention Irish hospitality and the delights of Dublin. We are planning a Mediterranean cruise to see some “Ancient Glories” in a year’s time.
We wish all our family and friends, whoever or wherever, a peaceful and relaxing time at Christmas and hope that the New Year is good to you, and you to it!
With love, Penny and Sandy — December 04